Effectiveness of Anchoring on your Subconscious mind.

Prudvi Raj Banala
2 min readFeb 2, 2021

What is Anchoring?

“It’s a principle where individual depends too heavily on an initial piece of information for making a decision”.

After knowing how the subconscious mind works and the effectiveness of anchoring on the subconscious mind, many things make sense on my past choices and current lifestyle.

Everything in your life is a result of the choices that you make. from very small to very important choices will have an anchoring effect. when you want to choose from events in your life, the subconscious mind will work all the time (24/7) and your conscious mind will dominate when you want to choose important things.

Initial Period of a Subconscious mind.

Do you remember when was the first time in your life that you choose something (Knowingly or unknowingly)? no one knows. But we choose something that occurs in life.

This goes back to the initial period of functioning subconscious mind. the moment baby starts feeling brains start recording everything that baby feels. this is the time where the initial piece of information is stored in the subconscious mind. without any analyses, this information will be stored in the subconscious mind as a fact.

What if I say that this is the point where a baby’s future was established with countless possibilities. All babies want to do is choose.

Anchoring on

  1. Habits
  2. Relationships
  3. Career

